News Grid
July 29, 2016
India can become global arbitration hub, feel legal experts

Consistency can make India a global arbitration hub Clarity on legal amendments needed to make Indian arbitration system more robust,[…]

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July 13, 2016
South China Sea judgement of importance to trade and commerce

  South China Sea judgement of importance to trade and commerce The landmark judgement passed by the Permanent court of[…]

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July 12, 2016
BREXIT is just a regional idiosyncratic shock

BREXIT is just a regional idiosyncratic shock Top Indian economists feel that India’s strong macro fundamentals will protect itself against any[…]

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June 27, 2016
Can GST protect India post Brexit turmoil? Experts want India to offset any adverse impact of Brexit by passing the GST in the upcoming monsoon session

Can GST protect India post Brexit turmoil? Experts want India to offset any adverse impact of Brexit by passing the[…]

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June 15, 2016
Mauritius opens doors for Indian companies in biggest ever investment drive

Mauritius opens doors for Indian companies in biggest ever investment drive Mumbai, June 14, 2016: India and Mauritius inched towards[…]

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June 4, 2016
Maharashtra govt wants private companies on board to achieve its skill development target With a target to train 45 million people in next 5 years, state government wants industry support

Maharashtra govt wants private companies on board to achieve its skill development target With a target to train 45 million[…]

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