AIAI welcomes the Finance Minister’s statement
September 14, 2015

AIAI welcomes the Finance Minister’s statement

PRESS RELEASE                                                                     PRESS RELEASE                                              PRESS RELEASE

AIAI welcomes the Finance Minister’s statement


The recent statement by the Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley on Proactive Government Policy in regard with simplification and rationalization of tax structure in line of the Government’s mission of “Doing Business with Ease” is a welcome statement said Mr. Vijay Kalantri, President, All India Association of Industries (AIAI) which will not only boost economy but also bring in the much needed investments.

AIAI further feels that the recent statement echoing of the sentiments by the Finance Minister and his colleagues need for lowering of interest rates to boost manufacturing and exports and make them competitive should be done on priority which will give the much needed relief and boost   the economy.

AIAI further feels there is need also to revise the NPA norms and various other RBI schemes/norms for better implementation.
