WTC Mumbai pays rich tribute to Mr. S.K. Wankhede
September 15, 2023

WTC Mumbai pays rich tribute to Mr. S.K. Wankhede

World Trade Center Mumbai paid rich tribute to its Founder-President and former Finance and Industry Minister of Government of Maharashtra Late Mr. S.K. Wankhede while observing his Birth Anniversary on September 24, 2023.

Mr. Wankhade was instrumental in facilitating release of reclaimed land for the WTC Mumbai project way back in 1969 and he spearheaded the fund-raising drive and construction of phase I and phase II of the project against several obstacles.

Garlanding the bust of Mr. Wankhede at WTC Mumbai, Dr. Vijay Kalantri, President – All India Association of Industries (AIAI) and Chairman, MVIRDC WTC Mumbai remarked, “Late Mr. Wankhede spearheaded the establishment of the first WTC in India in 1970s to fulfill the vision of Bharat Ratna Sir Dr. M Visvesvaraya who envisioned a world class industrial research and trade promotion organization in the commercial capital of the country. Mr. Wankhede passionately pursued the WTC Mumbai project with the objective to bring the “World to India”. Well before India opened its economy to the world, Mr. Wankhede pioneered the establishment of WTC, which reflects his visionary approach.”

Speaking on this occasion, Ms. Rupa Naik, Executive Director, WTC Mumbai remarked, “Late Mr. Wankhede laid the foundation for WTC Mumbai to become a premier catalyst for India’s foreign trade and economic development. He was a trailblazer who established WTC Mumbai as a role model for other WTCs in developing countries. On his Birth Anniversary, we pay rich tribute to this visionary and founding President.”
