Inbound delegation
Mr. J. S. Saharia, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra welcomes Ms. Rukhsana Shah, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of Pakistan

“Maharashtra is a premier industrial state and commercial & economic capital of India. It offers tremendous investment and trade opportunities to one and all. Maharashtra offers a land of opportunities where the business communities from India and Pakistan could collaborate and work together”, said Mr. J. S. Saharia, Chief Secretary,[…]

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Bulgaria and India to complement mutual complementarities says Mrs. Anna Yaneva

“Bulgaria proposes to intensify bilateral trade and economic cooperation with India. The rapidly growing Indian economy is an important strategic partner in the Asian region for Bulgaria. Complementing mutual complementarities, Bulgaria seeks to invite Indian business community to its region as well”, said H.E. Mrs. Anna Yaneva, Deputy[…]

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India and Turkey to join hands towards trade augmentation says Melih Mehmet Recher

“The Turkish economy has set an ambitious trade target worth US$ 500 billion for 2023. The Turkish Exporters Assembly is working towards achieving the trade target by tapping its competitive engineering and technological sector. It may be noted here that India holds expertise in the IT and ICT[…]

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February 26, 2014
Serbia extends invite to competitive Indian business participants says H.E. Mr. Jovan Mirilovic

“India and the Republic of Serbia have enjoyed good geo-political relations in the past years. Going forward, Serbia intends to build on the economic ties with the nation. We invite Indian business companies to invest in the sectors of energy, film industry, food production, machinery industry, tractor and[…]

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India and China to collaborate towards mutually beneficial development and trade says Mr. Liu Guoyu

“The rapidly growing Chinese and Indian economies are the growth engines of the world. China is India’s largest trading partner while India enjoys a position of prominence in China’s international trade. There is significant complementarity between the Indian and Chinese economies. India is the 11th largest trading partner[…]

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Need to Explore Untapped Potential – Says Vice Governor of Astrakhan Region

“Russia-India bilateral trade currently stands at over US$ 9 billion. However, India’s share in the global trade of the Astrakhan region stands at a mere 2%. There is ample scope to enhance trade ties with the region. There exists untapped potential in the sectors of pharmaceuticals, defence, radio[…]

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“Infrastructure forms the building block of a developing economy. The city of Barcelona holds a competitive edge in the sectors of water management, waste management and port development. We have undertaken the task of developing the infrastructural status of Hong Kong, Florida, Miami among others. We intend to[…]

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Australia seeks to deepen economic and trade linkages with India says Hon’ble Barry O’ Farrell

“Australia looks forward to deepening its historic ties with India. We have signed six agreements of cooperation in the areas of agriculture, water management, waste management, health, culture and promotion of young ladies exchange program with the Government of Maharashtra to further economic cooperation between the two nations”,[…]

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