Press Release
January 6, 2017
Canada’s Mississauga: A perfect blend of stability and growth for Indian Businesses

Canada’s Mississauga: A perfect blend of stability and growth for Indian Businesses While welcoming the new year, a significant step in the direction of furthering Indo-Canadian Business ties, Mayor of Mississauga chose to visit Mumbai first on her two-week India Mission 2017, along with a high-powered business delegation.[…]

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January 2, 2017
AIAI welcomes SOPs to MSMEs

AIAI welcomes SOPs to MSMEs Various SOPS announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on the eve of New Year in the speech include enhancement of the credit guarantee limit for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from Rs 1 crore to Rs 2 crore including[…]

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December 23, 2016
Waste management laws must empower industry, rather than stifle them

Waste management laws must empower industry, rather than stifle them Hazardous waste can be better managed by empowering industries through self-regulation and self-certification, rather than by creating multiple laws December 21, 2016: “The primary responsibility of the generator of hazardous waste is to prevent the generation of the[…]

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December 23, 2016
Unfair Prosecution Rules streamlined

Unfair Prosecution Rules streamlined Currently, 90% of e-waste is managed by the unorganized sector comprising of unskilled kabaadiwallas. There is a pressing need to integrate this unorganized sector with the organized sector through skill development. “Creating awareness among every individual on eco-friendly recycling of electronic waste is the[…]

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November 26, 2016
Tremendous business opportunities await in Iceland

 Tremendous business opportunities await in Iceland India and Iceland share good diplomatic and business relations for more than 40 years. Moreover the strong fundamental values such as democracy, universal human rights, the rule of law and the peaceful settlement of disputes makes Iceland a good investment destination stated[…]

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November 23, 2016

UK – EUROPE FOR BETTER CO-OPERATION TO ENHANCE TRADE   Mr. Vijay Goel, Founder, Indo-EU Business Forum while  addressing the members of  All  India Association of Industries, Bombay  Stock Exchange   and   World  Trade Centre, Mumbai said that ,“The  Indo  European Business  Forum  is  a free  meeting  place for[…]

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November 21, 2016
Mauritius to remain preferred source of FDI says Sir Jugnauth

Mauritius to remain preferred source of FDI says Sir Jugnauth “The relations between India and Mauritius have always been very strong and I see no reason that it will be otherwise. It will be very strong we are doing everything to make it stronger,” Mauritius Prime Minister Sir[…]

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November 17, 2016
AIAI feels RBI should introduce notes in ₹200 denomination

 The demonetization of ₹1000 and ₹500 notes is one of the most remarkable economic measure taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Government, dealing a brutal blow to counterfeit currency and the black economy said Mr. Vijay Kalantri, President All India Association of Industries (AIAI). Mr. Kalantri said that[…]

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November 12, 2016
AIAI hails landmark India Japan Civil Nuclear Deal

  AIAI hails landmark India Japan Civil Nuclear Deal AIAI welcomes the signing of the civilian nuclear accord between India and Japan after six years of negotiations. The accord signed between Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo Abe is an historic moment in the[…]

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November 9, 2016
AIAI hails demonetization of high denomination notes

AIAI hails demonetization of high denomination notes The Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi since taking over his office had strongly campaigned for eradicating Black Money. This was brought in through the initiative Income Declaration Scheme 2016 (IDS) which was successful to a great extent. But the sudden[…]

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