News List
April 28, 2020
Credit interest package:responsibility of the creditor

Let the responsibility of the interest component of banking credit be the responsibility of the Creditor! Says AIAI If not interest let the capital outstanding be the responsibility of the Banks this will help squeeze some reserved capital in the system, stressed All India Association of Industries (AIAI). Economy has[…]

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April 28, 2020
Credit interest package:responsibility of the creditor

Let the responsibility of the interest component of banking credit be the responsibility of the Creditor! Says AIAI  If not interest let the capital outstanding be the responsibility of the Banks this will help squeeze some reserved capital in the system, stressed All India Association of Industries (AIAI).  Economy has[…]

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April 25, 2020
AIAI fears extension of Lockdown leading to Job Loss and business loss

With 90% of the trade, employment and  business in Metro cities of Mumbai and Pune shut down , extension of lockdown is set to arrest hopes of many, says Mr Vijay Kalantri, President All India Association of Industries. 25 lakh jobs mostly in retail , small and micro[…]

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April 24, 2020
India has emerged as a trusted partner in global geopolitics, says Mr. Prabhu

“COVID-19 crisis has shattered the foundation of human being’s thinking. The crisis has weakened the position of advanced economies such as USA, EU and UK. India has emerged as a trusted partner in the global geopolitics. Central banks across the world are pumping record amount of liquidity to[…]

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April 17, 2020
Curtail of Lockdown only to affected communities,says Vijay Kalantri, President – AIAI

The All India Association of Industries is a premier Chamber of Commerce working in interests of trade, industry and employment since 1956. Mr. Vijay Kalantri, President, AIAI said the lockdown post COVID19 disaster has destroyed trade near to completion and business losses amount to Rs 7-8 trillion during[…]

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